This section explains the opportunities and mechanisms in place for leaseholders to engage with Barnet Homes. If you have any suggestions for additional ways for Barnet Homes to communicate with you please tell us about them.

Consultation meetings and surgeries for major works – During the major works consultation process and depending on the size and value of the project, leaseholders will be invited to a series of meeting and surgeries aimed at ensuring they understand what is proposed and why and when it is planned to take place. These may take place virtually – we will let you know what format it will take before the event.

Focus groups – From time to time Barnet Homes arrange focus groups to gauge leaseholders’ views when planning to introduce new policies or procedures or when reviewing those that already exist.

Informal ad hoc meetings – Staff in the various Barnet Homes service areas are always willing to arrange ad hoc meeting on site or at our offices if leaseholders are unable to attend forums such as those detailed above.

Useful contacts

Leaseholder Services

Repairs and all related enquiries

Caretaking and Estate Management issues

Insurance Section (at Barnet Council)

Zurich Municipal insurance for claims

The Leasehold Advisory Service (LEASE)

National Debt helpline

  • 0808 808 4000 (Freephone)

StepChange Debt Charity

Christians Against Poverty UK (Free Debt advice service for all)

Department of Works and Pensions