We have recently updated our caretaking schedules for blocks which are managed by Barnet Homes and are cleaned by the caretaking service. These schedules will include the blocks which are maintained by Barnet Homes’ Caretaking Team, a rough guide on how often the team will visit the block and a rough guide on what day of the week you can expect them to attend. The schedules have been split into areas to make it easier to find your block.
To view the caretaking schedule for your block, please click the link below which best matches the location of your home:
- Barnet caretaking schedule (download PDF version here)
- Edgware and Hendon caretaking schedule (download PDF version here)
- Finchley caretaking schedule (download PDF version here)
- Grahame Park, Dollis Valley and Regeneration Estates caretaking schedule (download PDF version here)
Please note the following:
- Whilst we will always try our best to follow the below schedule, our attendance may be subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances such as staff sickness, emergencies, weather conditions and resourcing issues.
- Whilst cleaning is in progress and also following the cleaning of your block, floor surfaces may be slippery when wet so take extra caution.
Barnet Homes have also produced a Caretaking Standards Guide which can be downloaded by clicking here.
We would love to hear your feedback on how our estate services teams are doing on your estate, to complete a short survey, please click here.
Caretaking Service Commitments
Below is a list of tasks which are carried out by the Barnet Homes Caretaking team on both a regular and seasonal basis.
Please note that whilst we will try our best to carry out the below tasks the regularity of them may vary at times due to unforeseen circumstances for example emergencies, sickness, cover arrangements and seasonal or service demands.
Our Caretakers will:
Regularly |
Seasonally |
Our Caretakers will not:
- Give access to electrical cupboards for broadband or meter readings or access to roofs to check aerials or satellite dishes. (The company that has requested access should have their own keys for access).
- Arrange removal of abandoned vehicles. Click here for information on the abandoned vehicles services provided by Barnet Council
- Caretakers do not deal with signage enquires which include putting up signs such as no smoking or no fly tipping, or deal with complaints regarding a breach of signs already up. Please contact our Customer Contact Team at TalktoUs@barnethomes.org if you have signage enquiries.
Rubbish and recycling
This service is managed and delivered by the London Borough of Barnet’s Street Scene department.