Fires in the home are the main cause of fire deaths.
You can have a free smoke alarm fitted by the London Fire Brigade by completing this smoke alarm form and returning to, Health & Safety Team, Barnet Homes, 2 Bristol Avenue, Colindale NW9 4EW. Test your alarm regularly to check it is working.
Our Building Safety Resident Engagement Strategy
Click here to download a summary of our High Rise Residential Buildings – Resident Engagement Strategy, and here to download the full version.
Fire safety booklet
Barnet Homes’ fire safety leaflet is available to download. This leaflet gives residents and leaseholders all the information they need to stay fire safe at home. Click here to download a copy of the booklet.
Fire safety advice – your block
Communal staircases, corridors and balconies must be kept clear of items like large plant pots, prams and bicycles.
These will get in the way of people evacuating the building in the event of fire and could also fuel a fire.
Please contact us if you see damaged or open fire doors, or items stored in shared hallways and electric intake cupboards.
Fire safety advice – your home
The Fire Brigade gives this safety advice, which could save your life, and the lives of your loved ones and neighbours.
- Fit smoke alarms and check they are an approved standard
- Don’t smoke in bed
- Keep matches safe
- Don’t sit too close to a fire
- Don’t overload electrical sockets
- Check everything is safe before you go to bed
- Switch off electric blankets when in bed
- Have electric blankets checked regularly
- Don’t overfill pans and deep fat fryers
- If the oil catches fire – turn off the heat
Tenants who want to carry out any alterations at home must get consent from Barnet Homes beforehand.
Escaping from fire
- Know your fire plan. Visit for advice from the London Fire Brigade.
- Keep keys to window locks by the windows, though make sure they are not on display
- Get everyone out as soon as possible
- Dial 999
- Crawl under smoke and fumes
- Block gaps around doors if trapped by fire
If you live in a flat or maisonette
Please follow this extra advice.
Flats and maisonettes are built to give you some protection from fire. Walls, floors and doors will hold back flames and smoke for a time.
- If there is a fire elsewhere in the building, you are usually safer staying in your flat unless heat or smoke is affecting you.
- If there is a fire in your flat, leave the building closing the door to your flat behind you.
- If there is a lot of smoke, crawl along the floor where the air will be clearer.
- Do not use any lifts in a fire, go down the stairs instead.
- Call 999 from any phone. Give them the address, including the number of your flat, and tell them which fire the floor is on.
Barnet Homes have been working in conjunction with the London Fire Brigade to create a series of fire safety awareness videos for residents.
How to test your smoke and carbon monoxide alarms
Fire safety in high-rise buildings
Fire safety in low and medium rise buildings
Fire safety at home
Barbecue safety
What chefs need to know
- Never use a barbecue indoors or on a balcony
- Make sure barbecues are placed on level ground where they will not tip over
- Keep barbecues away from your home, sheds, fences, garden furniture, trees, shrubs and tents
- Don’t drink too much alcohol if you are in charge of the barbecue
- Don’t put the barbecue where people have to squeeze past it
- Keep children, pets and garden games well away from the cooking area
- Never leave the barbecue unattended
- Follow the safety instructions provided with disposable barbecues
- Only use approved barbecue fuel or fire lighters – never use petrol or paraffin
After you’ve cooked
- When you have finished cooking, make sure the barbecue is cool before you try to move it
- Empty the cold ash onto bare garden soil – never put it in the dustbin
- Where possible, keep a bucket of water, sand or a garden hose nearby for emergencies
Tips for gas barbecues
- Take extra care when turning bottled gas barbecues on and off
- Make sure the controls and the gas cylinder valve are turned off before you change the cylinder
- Make sure all joints are tightened, safe and secure
- Change the gas cylinder in the open air
- When you have finished cooking, turn off the gas cylinder before the barbecue controls; this makes sure any leftover gas in the pipe is used up
- Store your gas cylinders outside and protected from frost and sunlight
- Never store gas cylinders under the stairs- if there is a fire they might explode and block your escape route
- If you think there might be a leak in the gas cylinder connections or pipe, brush soapy water over all of the joints and watch out for bubbles
- If you have a leaky joint, try to tighten it (but don’t over tighten it) and test for bubbles again. If unsure do not use the barbecue – seek specialist advice
For more information, visit The London Fire Brigade’s website.