You can make use of a range of loans, discounts and instalment schemes to make it easier for you to pay major works and service charges bills.

If you are having difficulties paying, please contact us immediately.

Please also complete and return our Homeowner’s form and financial statement. This will help us when drawing up a payment plan for you.

Where appropriate, we can refer you to free independent financial advice.

Leaseholder discount scheme

You will receive a 2.5 per cent discount if you pay major works invoices in full within 28 days of issue.

Leaseholder payment by instalments

If the property is your only home, you can set up a direct debit to pay major works bills by instalments or with a council loan, for a maximum period of ten years (subject to status).

There is a sliding timescale for payment depending on the amount. Click here for loan repayment terms.

You can apply for a discretionary loan if the bill is more than £3000. To qualify you must:

  • agree to the loan being secured on your property
  • demonstrate you can repay the loan
  • live in the property billed as your principal home
  • pay your own legal fees
  • pay the Land Registry fee
  • pay the cost of administration and the council’s legal fees. These costs will not exceed £250 and can be added to the loan.

Leaseholder Right to a Loan

If you bought under the Right to Buy, you may be entitled to Right to a Loan within the first ten years for major works costing £1,500 or more within one year.

This right remains with the lease and is passed on to any subsequent leaseholders within this period.

Your home will be used as security in the form of an extra mortgage. There is an administration fee of up to £100 that can be added to the loan and a Land Registry fee.

Please contact us if you wish to apply for a loan.


Make sure you include your service charges as a housing cost if you apply for benefits or are receiving pension credit.

Personal loans

In some circumstances you may wish to borrow some extra money to cover major works costs by taking out an independent personal loan. This may be a secure or unsecured loan.

Before borrowing extra money, you should always ensure you can afford to make the loan repayments on top of your other outgoings.

Further advances

If you have a mortgage, your lender may agree to lend you more money to pay for major works. This is especially true for work such as renewing windows and roofs.

Equity release schemes

These allow homeowners to release cash from their homes when they no longer have a mortgage. Several high street banks and other institutions offer these schemes, especially for older people.

If you are interested, speak to an independent financial adviser or perhaps a member of your family.

Credit unions

Credit unions are financial co-operatives owned and controlled by their members. They offer savings and great value loans, plus they are local, ethical and know what their members want.

More information is available from the Association of British Credit Unions.