To end your tenancy you must give us at least four weeks notice in writing.
When you move, you must:
- ensure your rent account is clear
- get gas and electricity meters readings and close your accounts
- remove all your belongings, including those in lofts, sheds and gardens
- clear away all rubbish, leaving the property clean and tidy
- check that you have left everything in good order
- leave all original fixtures and fittings.
We will charge you for the costs of clearing any rubbish you leave behind or any repairs that are needed. We will also pursue any rent arrears.
Please remember to return all your keys to us on the day you move out or by noon on the Monday at the latest. Otherwise you will be liable for an extra week’s rent and the cost of gaining entry. Click here to find out more about ending a tenancy.
If you have keys to return, please place them in an envelope clearly marked “Voids and Lettings – 3rd floor” with the address of the property marked. You can return them to security staff at 2 Bristol Avenue, Colindale, London NW9 4EW.
If you are asked to move
In some circumstances Barnet Homes may need to ask you to move from your home.
Examples are if:
- we need to carry out major work to repair or modernise your home
- your home is designed for someone in a wheelchair or with mobility problems, and you do not need this type of property
- you have inherited your tenancy from another family member but your home is too big for you
- your home is leased from another landlord and the lease is coming to an end.
If we ask you to move, we will explain why and give you as much notice as possible.
We will discuss your rehousing options and make sure we keep you informed. We will assess what size home you need and try to offer you the sort of home you need in the area you choose.
If you live on an estate which has regeneration plans, we will give information about these plans and details of how they might affect you before work starts.
Compensation payments
You will be entitled to a disturbance payment if you are a secure tenant asked to move because we need to do major repair or improvement work.
This is to meet reasonable moving expenses and other expenses such as:
- redirecting mail
- disconnecting and reconnecting cookers or other appliances
- alterations to carpets and curtains.
If you move temporarily, you will be entitled to a disturbance payment for both the moves to and from your temporary home. You will continue to pay the existing rent for your permanent home.
Sometimes we may need you to move permanently because of repairs or modernisation. If you have held your tenancy for more than a year you will qualify for a home-loss payment, calculated according to rules set by law.