Repairs Policy

A Repairs Policy exists which explains our approach as your landlord to managing residents repairs both inside your home or in communal/ block areas where you live.

The policy contains useful information including the different types of repairs categories/ priorities we use and the timescales to complete each of these, the appointment slots we offer, our approach to missed appointments and what types of repairs are our responsibility to fix as your landlord and which are tenants responsibilities.

To view the Repairs Policy and find out more information, click here.

Frequently Asked Questions

We have collated a selection of our most frequently asked questions and answers about Repairs appointments and shared them below.

  1. My repair appointment is no longer suitable for me; how do I rearrange it?
    If you have a repair appointment booked in which you need to rearrange, you can do this yourself by clicking on the link included in your repair confirmation SMS text message.
  1. I need to report a repair, what are the different appointment slots available?
    When booking a repair there are four appointment slots that we offer. These are:
  • Morning – 8am to 12pm
  • Afternoon – 12pm to 5pm
  • School Run – 10am to 2pm
  • All Day – 8am to 5pmIf you have been given a repair appointment and the slot offered is not suitable, you can click on the link included in your repair confirmation SMS text message and rearrange it yourself.
  1. I no longer require my repair appointment; how can I cancel it?
    If you have a repair appointment booked in which you need to cancel, please contact us by emailing
  1. How will I know if my repair job has been passed to a subcontractor and how will I receive an appointment?
    For larger jobs or if they require a specialist trade e.g. glazing, we may allocate the job to a subcontractor to complete. The subcontractor will contact you directly to arrange a pre-inspection before your repair takes place. Once the pre-inspection has been carried out, the subcontractor will then contact you again to arrange an appointment for them to attend your home and complete your repair. If the repair was for a larger piece of work, Barnet Homes may contact you after the repair has been completed to arrange a post-inspection.
  1. What are the current timeframes for repair jobs to be completed?
  • Out of hours emergency (P1) e.g. jobs raised between 5pm and 8am where there is an immediate risk to individuals, the building or security – made safe within 4 hours and completed within 24 hours. An example of an out of hours emergency would be an uncontrollable leak or a loss of hot water or heating.
  • Daytime emergency (P2) e.g. there is an immediate risk to individuals, the building or security – made safe within 4 hours and completed within 24 hours. An example of a daytime emergency repair would be an uncontainable leak or a loss of hot water or heating.
  • Responsive repairs (P3) e.g. the issue causes a hinderance but does not pose any immediate risk – within 15 working days. An example of a responsive repair would be to repair cracked tiles or repair dripping taps.
  • Programmed works (P4) e.g. not a first time fix and will require an inspection and multiple appointments – within 25 working days inclusive of the inspection. An example of programmed works would be to replace a bath panel or complete paving works.
  • Planned works (P5) e.g. larger and more complex works which may require multiple trades, specialist materials or multiple appointments – within 60 working days. An example of planned works would be to complete glazing work or undertake bulk shed repairs such as replacing doors or locks.

Tenant Satisfaction Measures

As of 1st April 2023, the Regulator of Social Housing’s new Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) requirements came into effect. The TSMs are intended to help tenants hold their landlords to account in areas that are important to them and improve the quality of social housing. The TSMs do not apply to Barnet Homes leaseholders, only Barnet Homes tenants.

Barnet Homes are required to annually publish their performance against the 22 TSMs, 6 of these relate to our Repairs service and keeping tenants homes in good repair, including overall satisfaction with the repairs service and percentage of emergency repairs completed within target timescales. To view the latest Barnet Homes TSM results, click here.

Making appointments

We do everything possible to keep appointments. Please make sure you are in during the agreed timeslot.

If you cannot make the appointment for any reason, please contact us to cancel or rearrange your appointment.

If you are not at home when the contractor calls, we will call you before leaving a card and cancelling the repair.

If we cannot get into your property more than once following agreed appointments, we may charge you for the cost of these visits.

Preparing for the work

We will tell you in advance if we need you to move any furniture or remove any floor covering, such as carpets or laminate.

It is then your responsibility to do this before the contractor arrives. Please contact us if you are unable to do this and have no one else to move items on your behalf.

You need to make sure that everyone is safe while the repair is being carried out. Keep any pets out of the way and keep an eye on children.

Someone over the age of 16 must be present until the repair is completed, so we can check the work with you before we leave and resolve any concerns you may have.

In bad weather conditions we will always make things safe but may not be able to carry out a full repair. This is for the safety of our operatives.

All our staff and contractors are expected to be considerate and respectful towards you. We expect you and members of your household to behave in a similar way towards them.

If things go wrong

Missed appointments

If our contractors miss an appointment without a good reason and without letting you know, you may be entitled to £10 compensation. You can contact us if that is the case.

If you are not satisfied

We do our best to get things right first time, but sometimes things can go wrong.

Please contact us if you are not satisfied so we can do better next time. Your complaint will be recorded and investigated, and we will do all we can to sort it out.

Find out more about how we handle complaints.