There will be a new limit from April 2020 to the overall amount you can receive from benefits.

  • For couples and for single parents, this will be 422.31 per week.
  • For single people without children, it will be £296.35 a week.

The government wants to ensure no individuals or families of working age should receive more money in benefits than the average earnings of people who are employed.

Benefit cap exceptions

If you become unemployed after working for 12 months, and lost your job through no fault of your own, the cap will not apply for a further nine months.

The benefit cap does not affect you if you are getting the support element of Employment Support Allowance, Pension Credit or Working Tax credit.

It also does not affect you if a member of your household is claiming:

  • Disability Living Allowance
  • Attendance Allowance
  • Industrial Injuries benefits
  • War Widows or War Widowers Pension.