What are the community contribution criteria?

Community contribution looks to recognise the role people play in making their neighbourhood a good place to live or work. People who have a housing need and also make a community contribution are given higher priority than those who don’t make a community contribution.

We understand that sometimes people may be less able to do community work and we take this into account when making decisions.

You are likely to be assessed as making a community contribution if you fulfil one or a combination of the following criteria:

Working households

Households where the main applicant or partner has worked 64 hours a month and been in employment for six out of the last 12 months.


Volunteers must have been volunteering continuously for at least six months, for a minimum of 64 hours per month, up to the time of application and at least six months up to when a property is offered.

The volunteering must be for a recognised not-for-profit organisation, charity or faith-based community group or organisation.

People in education or training

You must have been studying something for which you will achieve accredited qualifications and/or certification by a registered awarding body, for a minimum of sixty four hours a month, for at least six months up to the time of application and at least six months up to when a property is offered.

Ex service personnel

Applicants who have served in the British Armed Forces and lived in Barnet for at least six months immediately prior to enlisting, will qualify for a community contribution award automatically, with the exception of those who have been dishonourably discharged.

Foster carers and other carers

Foster carers will need a letter confirming they have been approved as a Barnet foster carer. Carers will only qualify for a community contribution where the person receiving care is claiming either higher rate Disability Living Allowance (DLA) or the enhanced rate of the new Personal Independance Payment (PIP).

Young people referred by Children’s Services (Care Leavers)

It is acknowledged that some care leavers referred by the Onwards and Upwards team may have difficulty in meeting the full requirements of the community contribution criteria. To reduce the potential for care leavers remaining in temporary accommodation for long periods, the requirement for a community contribution shall not apply. However, all young people will continue to be encouraged to make a positive contribution and engage with employment, training and education.


In all cases applicants will be required to provide evidence that they are making a community contribution, based on the criteria above.


You will not be assessed as making a community contribution if you have:

  • ongoing involvement in antisocial behaviour or criminal behaviour
  • breached your tenancy conditions in the last three years
  • housing-related debt of more than £100
  • an outstanding unspent conviction

Frailty or disability may prevent some people from making a community contribution.

Cases of older people or people with disabilities will be considered on an individual basis.