Domestic Violence is any violent or abusive behaviour that takes place between intimate partners or family members aged 16 or older.

Domestic Abuse can take many forms and can involve psychological, physical, sexual, financial or emotional abuse. It can involve coercive, controlling or threatening behaviour such as not letting you leave the house or threatening to hurt you or your family.

It can also involve:

  • sexual harassment and bullying
  • stalking
  • trafficking and forced prostitution
  • female genital mutilation
  • forced marriage
  • crime committed in the name of ‘honour’.

It is important to remember that the abuse is not your fault. You have the right to live free from fear and abuse and there is support available to help you.

If you are homeless in an emergency, please call Barnet Homes’ Housing Options service on 020 8610 3539 (Monday – Friday, 9AM – 5pm). If you need to speak to someone outside these hours, please call 020 8080 6587.