Burglary is a serious issue. Help keep your home and property secure, by following Operation Bumblebee’s 10 top tips.

  1. Close and lock all your doors and windows, even if you are only going out for a few minutes
  2. Keep your valuables out of site
  3. fit a mortice lock to your front door and other external doors. Consider installing a burglar alarm
  4. Leave some lights on if it will be dark before you get home
  5. Do not leave your car keys or ID documents near a door, letterbox or window
  6. Always check who’s at the door and don’t open it if you feel anxious
  7. Always keep sheds and outbuildings locked
  8. Mark or etch your property with your postcode, house or flat number or the first three letters of your house name
  9. Register items with a serial number at immobilise.com
  10. Cancel milk or other deliveries if you will be away for days or weeks at a time.

For more information and advice, visit metbumblebee.org, or go to your local police station.

To report a burglary call 101. In an emergency always call 999.