There may be times where you are struggling with your finances and your household income isn’t enough to pay for essential items, such as food, fuel and rent. Sometimes you will need short term support to help you until your circumstances improve. This is why it is important you claim any benefits you are entitled to.
For advice and information on benefits and benefit changes, click here.
You can also find information on Housing Benefit .
Universal Credit
Universal Credit is a new benefit introduced by the government in April 2013. It brings together the following six benefits into one:
- Income-based Job Seekers Allowance
- Income-based Employment and Support Allowance
- Housing Benefit
- Income Support
- Child Tax Credit
- Working Tax Credit
For more information on Universal Credit, click here or call the Universal Credit helpline on 0345 600 0723. You can find more advice around Universal Credit here.
To learn how to claim Universal Credit, click here.
Discretionary Housing Payments
If you are having problems with your housing costs you may be able to apply for a “Discretionary Housing Payment” (DHP). DHPs are awarded by Barnet Council and can be used to top up housing benefit claims. They are only available to those who claim housing benefit and do not count as income.
For more information on how to apply for a DHP, click here.
Crisis Fund
Barnet Council have a crisis fund which provides financial support to people on low incomes who are facing an emergency and who have expenses that they are struggling to pay. To find out more about the crisis fund and to see if you are eligible for assistance, visit the Barnet Council website. There are also independent organisations that may be able to help you find financial support in a crisis. for more information.
The Mayor’s Benevolent Fund
If you are in financial need, The Mayor’s Benevolent Fund might offer you a small one-off grant. To qualify for consideration, you must:
- have lived in the borough for at least one year
- be in receipt of income related statutory welfare benefits (such as Income Support or Child Tax Credit).
To find out more about the benevolent fund and to see if you are eligible for assistance, visit the Barnet Council website.