There may be times when you are struggling to manage your money and pay for essential bills, such as your rent. This may be because there has been a change to your household income or because the cost of essential bills or services has increased.
If you are struggling to pay your rent you should contact your Rental Income Officer immediately. They will be able to refer you to support to try and help maximise your income, reduce your outgoings and help you budget the income you have.
There are a number of steps you can take to help manage your money more effectively and avoid getting into debt, such as:
Creating a monthly household budget
Creating a monthly household budget will help you see what your overall household income is; this includes any benefits, salary or any other money you are receiving.
Using this budget planner will help you see what you are spending your money on and identify where you might be able to make cuts or savings. It is important that you complete this as fully and accurately as possible so you get a true picture of your household income.
When paying your bills you should prioritise the essential ones, such as your rent. If you are struggling to pay your rent you should contact your Rental Income Officer immediately.
Get online
There are a number of benefits of getting online, these include:
- Finding the best deals for services
- Accessing job opportunities
- Finding the best tariffs for utilities, such as gas and electricity
- Comparing and finding the most suitable insurance plans
- Online deals for everyday essentials, such as groceries
- Access to training and employment courses
Increase your income
You may find that your income doesn’t stretch to meet your needs. This may be because your household income or the make-up of your household has changed.
Completing a monthly household budget may help you see where your money is going and areas where you might be able to make savings.
There are a number of ways you can try to increase your household income. You can:
- Look for employment/ increase the hours you work
- Claim the benefits you are entitled to
- Attend a training/ employment course
- Take in a lodger
Get back into work
Often you will be better off in work than on benefits. You can use a number of recruitment websites, including ‘Universal Job Match’, Job Centre Plus offices as well as recruitment consultants to look for work. Some companies also advertise locally so don’t forget to check your local newspaper or shop windows for opportunities closer to home.
If you are considering signing up to a recruitment agency you should always ask if they will charge you a fee for their services or take a cut of your salary once you have found employment.
Barnet Homes offers a number employment and training courses. Please contact us for more information.
Get the right benefits
If your circumstances have changed you may be entitled to benefits, such as Universal Credit, Housing Benefit or Council Tax Support. Please click here for further information about benefits you may be entitled to.