Paying your deposit
Most landlords will want you to pay a one-month rent deposit. However, you may be able to ask them to accept a smaller deposit.
If you claim Housing Benefit you may be able to claim Discretionary Housing Payments to help you with your rent deposit.
For more information on how to apply for a DHP:
- Click here for Barnet Council’s website.
- Click here for Shelter – the housing law charity’s website.
- Or click here for more information on our website, or call us on 020 8359 2111.
Getting back your tenancy deposit
The Tenancy Deposit Scheme
When you pay a deposit to a landlord or letting agent, they must place the deposit in a government-backed tenancy deposit scheme. This ensures that you will get your deposit back if you fulfil the terms of your agreement with your landlord.
Click here to check if your deposit has been protected in a government-backed scheme.
When will I get my deposit back?
After you agree with your landlord how much of your deposit you’ll get back, your landlord must return your deposit within 10 days.
If you’re in a dispute with your landlord, then your deposit will be protected in the tenancy deposit scheme until the issue is sorted out.
Seek advice
If your deposit hasn’t been protected – or if you’re in a dispute with your landlord about the return of your deposit – you should seek advice.
Call Barnet Citizens Advice Bureau on 0808 250 5708, call the housing law charity Shelter on 0344 515 1540, or contact us on 020 8610 3539.
You can find more advice around the tenancy deposit scheme .
For more information
Click here for full information on the tenancy deposit scheme.