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Barnet Homes Resident Board

The Resident Board is the highest level of involvement; being a member requires a high level of commitment, although it is an exciting and rewarding opportunity for residents. You can find out more about the Resident Board here.

Group Board Director (Resident)

This is a strategic level of involvement and requires a lot of commitment.  We have two spaces for residents to be on our Board and also include an application and interview. These posts are open to all Barnet Homes residents and Leaseholders.

Resident Support Group

As a Barnet Homes resident, you have the right to be involved in the management of your home and the services you receive from us. As a member of the Resident Support Group you will be invited to be involved in a range of opportunities that include taking part in focus groups, mystery shopping, service improvement projects as well as providing valuable feedback on how we can continue to improve our services.

This group feeds directly into the Resident Board. The level of commitment is not as high as being a Resident Board member, so it may be of interest if you have a limited amount of time. This opportunity also provides a good grounding to become a future Resident Board member.

We are keen to ensure the group is diverse and representative of our residents and the community we serve and supports our commitment to inclusion across gender identity, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation and physical or mental ability.

To download a document containing the aims and objectives of the Resident Support Group please click here.

If you would like to join this group, please fill in an application form by clicking here.

Tenant Managed Organisation

A Tenant Management Organisation (TMO) is an organisation set-up by tenants and/or leaseholders to manage their estate/block. Local Government residents have the right to manage the housing services they receive as per the 2012 Housing right to Manage regulations.

TMOs can choose to take all or part of the management functions such as caretaking, rent collection, repairs, ground maintenance and receive management and maintenance allowances for the services it provides. Tenant Management is inevitably more expensive than management by a housing provider, although this is supported by the belief that it is a more responsive and better-quality method of delivering the service, which leads to greater levels of resident satisfaction.

If you are interested in setting up a TMO and need assistance, email

You can find more on TMOs at the following links :

Resident Procurement Group

An exciting opportunity to be involved in appointing contractors who carry out a range of external repairs and improvements to our homes. Your Involvement will range from evaluating contractors’ proposals, being on an interview panel or monitoring the quality of their service. Full training and support is provided. Register your interest here.

Focus Groups

Registering to be on this group will provide an opportunity to be invited to help us shape or improve an existing or new service. Customers are selected at random to debate a certain topic or service and give their views. These are often required when we are reviewing a service and considering making changes. There may also be a financial incentive in attending some of these groups.

Resident Association

A Residents Associations is a group of local residents/leaseholders who represent the interests of everyone living in one of our homes, particular area or building managed by Barnet Homes. We provide training and support in setting up new and existing groups, including providing annual grants to registered associations. Click here to download our guide on how to set up a Residents Association.

Community Group

A Community Group consists of like-minded people in a local area and can include a number of different organisations such as the police, schools, faith-based organisations and local business that share the same interest in improving the area and bringing new services and opportunities into the community.

Mystery shopping

Residents take part in mystery shopping to quality check the services they receive. It is a very useful tool to understand if we are giving good customer service. If this is an area you are interested in we do provide training before undertaking the mystery shopping task.

Telephone Surveys

When carrying out telephone surveys we have found that residents sometimes communicate more honestly with other residents and can open up more freely about what works well and not so well with our services. It is an involvement offer that can be done from the comfort of your own home and we would offer a full briefing in preparation.

Gardening Club

Our gardening clubs are open to all residents who do not have a private garden. An individual or a group of residents take ownership of an area in their communal garden and cultivate it.

Click here to access more information about our Gardening Clubs.

Four Million Homes programme

Provides free knowledge, guidance, training and regular free webinars on resident rights and how to stand up for them, how to deal with difficult landlords, how to form and get involved in resident groups and how to shape the services they pay for. Four Million Homes – Knowledge and action for change in social housing

Resident Involvement and Engagement Policy

For more information about The Barnet Group’s approach to involving and engaging residents download our Resident Involvement and Engagement Policy.

How to organise community events

Click here to download our guide on how to set up community events.

Free online training and courses

Over the next year, we will be providing residents with the opportunity to take part in free online courses and virtual training sessions. This is a great opportunity to gain new skills and be actively involved in your community.

Click here to access more information, and to register to our next training!

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

We celebrate different points of view and want to encourage a diverse group of residents who are representative of the community we serve to get involved and engage with us regardless of age, disability, gender or gender identity, ethnic origin or race, religion or belief, and sexual orientation.

We understand that some customers may, due to the nature of their disability, find it difficult to engage with us or access our services. We aim to ensure that all customers are provided with equal opportunities, and to that end we strive to comply with the requirements of the Equality Act 2010. Should you have a disability and require a particular adjustment to be made to allow you to fully participate or engage with us, please make this known to us so that we can consider your request, discuss your requirements with you, and reach an agreement.