In December, The Barnet Group signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the London Fire Brigade (LFB) to work together to protect tenants and residents, staff, visitors and premises from the risk of fire and promote fire safety awareness.
In order to achieve the primary aim of the MOU, The Barnet Group will work with the LFB on properties housing the vulnerable such as sheltered, extra-care and supported living schemes in order for home fire safety visits to be prioritised in areas where the greatest impact will be achieved.
In return, the LFB will provide The Barnet Group with data on incidents attended by operational crews such as false alarms and lift entrapments. The LFB has also committed to assist with hoarders, anti-social behaviour including unapproved storage of items in communal areas, incidents of arson as well as training and estate events.
Our Health & Safety Team have been working closely with the LFB recently to offer them the ideal opportunity to practice a large scale fire rescue.
In February, thirty firefighters and six engines visited Franklin House on the West Hendon estate to perform the fire rescue exercise in the same type of structure they would encounter during an actual emergency.
LFB Borough Commander Steve Leader said: “We’ve had really good support from Barnet Homes. We’ve done two exercises there so far and are hoping to do a third one.
“We always find it really useful to work in buildings that are real with real facilities; it’s much more realistic for our training if we are doing it in premises that are true to life.
“We’ve got a commitment to try and train everyday so being able to train together on one specific building is a great benefit to us and hopefully one the community can see.”