Last year more than 100 Barnet Homes’ residents took courses to gain a qualification or develop their skills to enable them to return to work and a number of those residents received certificates at an awards ceremony.

Around 35 of our residents who passed their courses in 2013 attended the certificate awards ceremony held at Cheshir Hall Community Centre in Hendon, Tuesday 13 May 2014.

Most of the courses were for one year and the residents received their certificates from Tracey Lees, Chief Executive Officer of The Barnet Group. She said:

“We want to ensure that Barnet Homes’ residents and their families have every chance to succeed in life and contribute to their communities.

Being in work means that people will be financially better off and can sustain their tenancies in the long-term.

Tracey Lees continues: “Gaining new skills to become more employable means people become role models for their families and inspire their other family members to improve their prospects too. It also helps people with their confidence, if you are a full-time mum who’s been out of work for a while or need help with speaking and writing skills.”

The residents who gained a qualification or skill came from many different circumstances or backgrounds. Residents picking up their certificates included three sets of married couples who spoke no English at all before starting their basic language classes last year, a mother-of-four who wants to become a London bus driver and a criminology graduate who is now deputy chair of Barnet Homes’ Performance Advisory Group (PAG)!

Aitch Gee training tutor Nadia, who teaches the basic English language skills course said the married couples helped each other with the course: “One couple made huge progress as they didn’t have writing or speaking in their own languages. For them to gain basic English skills is huge progress and means they can communicate with their grandchildren.”

New Deputy Chair of PAG, Colette Gallagher (pictured), said that as well as gaining new skills she had met lots of people she wouldn’t have otherwise, including other Barnet Homes’ residents: “I have found work as a floating support worker so gaining understanding about housing will be really beneficial for my new job.

“I’ve also met a wide range of people and there’s a shared interest with those who are also Barnet Homes’ residents which is how I got involved with PAG.”

The courses, which include CIH certificate in housing practice, book keeping and ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) are about people with the skills and training to deal with the changes in the benefit system and find employment.

If you would like to find out more about the training and learning courses Barnet Homes offer click here or contact Jacqui Jones on 020 8359 4777 or email