Residents at Rocklands wanted to have an event this summer to bring everyone together, to welcome new residents, boost community spirit and social interaction and improve wellbeing.

Claire from the Rocklands said “We held our Summer Social funded by the TBG Community Chest Fund last week which funded the food and drinks for the party.

“There was a really good turnout and our new neighbours at number one and six introduced themselves plus we said a sad farewell to number 16.

“There is now great excitement about it, Sandi in number 6 pulled out her knitted bunting and added to her collection. Julia number 4 bought a blow-up pool which the kids loved and others contributed with additional food too, so it was a really community effort. Eveyone is still commenting on how much fun it was and what a brilliant idea.

“We raised a glass to Barnet Homes in appreciation. Thank you so very much a great day was had by all!”