Dear Mr Barr,
Thank you for your request dated 22 January 2024, asking for information that we hold as follows, please see our responses below in blue:
- Have you published or been requested under the Freedom of Information Act information relating to the refurbishment costs of 1, 3 and 7 Victoria Avenue N3 1BE ?
The contract was tendered, and results published on the Delta e-sourcing website. Also, to confirm no requests have been received under the requirement of the FOI pertaining to this contract.
- In the absence of the above and under the Freedom of Information Act, please advise the costs incurred, and will be incurred, with the ongoing extensive refurbishments of all of the above properties, that have been ongoing for at least 3 months at what seems considerable cost to Council Tax Payers.”
The properties at Victoria Avenue, consist of temporary accommodation for homeless persons. Recent Building Safety legislation has caused these buildings to be refurbished taking into account the vulnerable nature of the residents and the need to maintain the facilities to an acceptable level of fire safety and compliance with current Building Regulations.
Works consist of:-
- Installation of new automatic fire suppression system (sprinklers), storages tanks and pumps
- New fire detection and alarm system
- Internal and external wall insulation
- Internal refurbishment of the accommodation units including rewiring, replacement kitchens and bathrooms
- Replacement windows and doors
- New controlled entry system including main entrance doors.
- New Electrical Rising Main to each property.
- Associated repairs and decorations
The contract costs for each of the three properties are as follows:-
1 Victoria Avenue £454,190
3 Victoria Avenue £495,908
7 Victoria Avenue £482,264
Additional structural repairs were required at No.1 and No.3 Victoria Avenue which have added to the duration of the site works. Phased completion will see the properties completed and handed over for occupation between mid-February and March 2024.
It is important to note that Council Taxpayers are not directly impacted by these works. The Housing Revenue Account funds works to the Council’s housing stock from the rents and service charges gathered from tenants managed by Barnet Homes.
Your Rights
If you are unhappy with the way your request for information has been handled, you can request a review by emailing and marking it as an appeal for the attention of the Data Controller. There is no charge for making an appeal.
After this, if you remain dissatisfied with the handling of your request or complaint, you have the right to appeal to the Information Commissioner:
- Telephone: 0303 123 1113
- Website:
Kind regards,