Homeless Reduction Act
From April 2018, the Homelessness Reduction Act will require Local Authorities to intervene at earlier stages to prevent homelessness.
Local Authorities will need to:
• Improve referral pathways with local organisations, to maximise the opportunities to prevent homelessness
• Provide prevention assistance at an early stage to all households ‘threatened with homelessness’
• Help to obtain accommodation to relieve homelessness where prevention is not possible
Move to appointment-only service
To help meet the new duties from the Act, Barnet Homes will move to an appointment-only system from 20th November 2017. This will mean that customers will no longer be able to ‘drop in’ without an appointment.
How to contact us
• Customers who are homeless on the day can ‘drop in’ to Barnet House.
• If you are at risk of becoming homeless or need to discuss another housing issue, please phone the Housing Options Team on 020 8359 4797 or email housingadvice@barnethomes.org.
• If you are waiting for a decision or need to provide documents for your housing case, contact your Housing Officer.
You can download this information as a poster by clicking here.