We are delighted to share the news that our domestic violence refuge, Minerva House, has made the shortlist for a prestigious award.
Minerva House, which is managed on our behalf by Solace Women’s Aid, is now up against five other initiatives in the ‘Most Effective Project in Improving the Lives of Women or Communities’ category for the Women in Housing 2017 awards.
Solace Women’s Aid is a leading specialist charity working across London, providing life-saving support to more than 11,000 survivors of domestic and sexual violence a year as well as focusing on prevention and early intervention services. Solace works to support survivors to rebuild their lives free from domestic and sexual abuse. Solace offers a range of specialist services including refuges, advice, counselling, advocacy, support groups and family, children and young people’s projects.
Earlier this year, Barnet Homes, on behalf Barnet Council, were able to secure £100k from the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) to keep Minerva House open for another year.
Following that good news, staff (pictured above with refuge workers and Housing Options officers) from retail property developers Hammerson, used their volunteering day to provide some DIY work at the refuge.
The winners will be announced at an awards event in Manchester on 2 November – fingers crossed the refuge will cap off its positive year with a win.