The Barnet Group is currently recruiting for housing and social care apprentices and are having an Apprenticeship open morning this Friday 14th July.
If you know anyone that would be interested in or benefit from an apprenticeship, please send them along to The Barnet Group’s Apprenticeship open morning on Friday 14th July, from 9:30am onwards at Barnet House in Whetstone.
This year’s crop of Barnet Group apprentices will see their apprenticeship year with us coming to a close – but that doesn’t mean their last month at The Barnet Group won’t end on a high note!
Three of our current apprentices, Anne Queally, Shirmel Brandy and Kevin Lukao went to Barnet and Southgate College’s new Colindale campus to meet none other than the Leader of the Opposition, Jeremy Corbyn.
Our three apprentices were strategically sitting right next to Mr Corbyn. But what they actually make of the ‘Corbyn effect’?
“He did seem very down-to-earth and normal. He didn’t come across as a typical politician,” says Kevin, “I would have asked him a question but he was only sat with us for a few minutes.”
Anne Queally bravely pointed out to him that it was only younger students that were incurring debts to further their education and training: “I told him I had debts too, as a mature student.”
Finally, Shirmel Brandy who has secured a job with PA Choices, managed to get Jeremy Corbyn in the frame for one of his infamous selfies.
Jeremy Corbyn was visiting Barnet and Southgate college, who are one of Barnet Homes’ partners, following his speech at the British Chambers of Commerce conference that morning about tuition fees and opportunities for young people.