Did you know that 1/4 of people in the UK experience a mental health problem every year? And yet there is still a stigma attached to being open about having any mental health issues. Time to Talk Day 2017 is a national day of awareness started by a Time to Change to tackle any stigma or barriers to people feeling able to open about mental health.
Staff across The Barnet Group supported the day (and the ethos behind it) by holding a series of Talking Forums to create an environment in the organisation and for our customers where mental health can be talked about openly and people can be signposted to the help and support they need.
CEO of FuturePath Kevin Moore (pictured centre and back row), one of our partner organisations, was our guest speaker for Time to Talk Day – he also openly shared his own very personal journey of living with mental health issues – as well as talking about how mental health affects people in the workplace and employment prospects.
Director of Corporate Services Trudi Kleanthous said: “It was a pleasure to take part in The Barnet Group’s Time to Talk Day, listening to inspirational stories from colleagues sharing their experience and offering support. A focus on mental health is one of the key strands of our well-being strategy, and I believe that taking the time out to have these discussions moves us one step closer to the type of organisation that we want to be.”
Time to Talk Day is all about being able to have a conversation about mental health and having somewhere, or someone, to go to for help and support. It could be for you or a family-member or friend.
For more information please explore the A Time to Change website.