“We are committed to providing an excellent service to victims of domestic violence whenever they come to us for help. All of our staff undertake extensive training to support victims of domestic crime sensitively, ensuring they understand their options and further assistance available to them. We are sorry our service fell short of expectations in the case reported on in the Dispatches documentary. In view of the information we have received on this particular case we will be providing further training across the team to make sure future cases are handled more sensitively. For wider context, on 4 October 2016, the same day Dispatches’ secret filming took place, we offered four women fleeing domestic violence emergency temporary accommodation.”
Additional information:
1 Barnet Homes is committed to and proud of the work we do supporting vulnerable victims of domestic violence and those fleeing domestic violence. We have a Domestic Violence and Sanctuary Scheme Co-ordinator who is dedicated to ensuring that those at risk are safeguarded by a number of housing options. Our weekly One Stop Shop, a multi-agency drop-in service, provides victims and those at risk with advice, information and support in one place from a range of partner organisations including the police, housing advisors, health professionals, legal services, Women’s Aid and children’s services. In the first year of operation 341 individuals were successfully supported: “If it was not for the One Stop Shop I honestly do not know how I ever could have got through those very dark days.”
2 Minerva House, our 6 bedroom refuge for women fleeing domestic violence, is run in partnership with Solace Women’s Aid. Open for a year, the refuge has accommodated 21 women and 31 children, and assisted 77% with safe move-on housing.
3 Barnet Homes’ Housing Options team delivers statutory homelessness services on behalf of Barnet Council