Any time of year should be a great time to try something new. But there’s something about the New Year that makes it an ideal time to plan your year ahead and get a new skill.

Barnet Homes wants to support its residents, particularly those who have been long-term unemployed, by offering a wide range of training to help you get back into work.

There are a variety of courses that include IT training, CV workshops and personal development coaching to help you with other issues that might previously have been a barrier to training and employment.

Find out more about the work and training courses Barnet Homes has to offer residents by writing ‘training’ in the search bar in the top right of the main page on the website.

Pictured with Deputy Chief Executive Derek Rust, (centre) are residents who have previously benefitted from Barnet Homes work and training courses.

Or get.involved@barnethomes.orgemail us for more information.