Sheltered Housing residents plus friends from Community Space had a special visit from the Mayor of Barnet who attended the annual Christmas party. There was music hall entertainment and a generous raffle provided by contractors Mears.

The Sheltered Housing Christmas party is one of the highlights of events that the Barnet Homes Sheltered Housing team organise throughout the year. It has a very important message as it encourages older members of the community in Barnet to get out and about, socialise with people they already know and hopefully meet new people.

This month the national charity Age UK has even launched a ‘befriending’ service to tackle the loneliness many older people experience, especially over the festive season.

The Mayor of Barnet, Councillor David Longstaff, has supported many Barnet Group events in 2016 and he made sure he spoke to the majority of residents at the event. They were thrilled to be able to get a selfie with the Mayor, who was joined by Terry Rogers our Board Chair.

Residents were taken for a real trip down memory lane by a Pearly King aka Mickey Driver, who belted out those music hall classics such as Doing the Lambeth Walk and We’ll Meet Again.