Our annual Finest Flowers gardening competition started in 2007 and grows in popularity each year. This year’s judging panel including residents’ groups and Chair of Barnet Homes’ Performance Advisory Group (PAG), John Davies, did the hard job of shortlisting the winners of Finest Flowers.

And, over the course of the week, Barnet Homes will be delighted to be able to reveal the winners in all six categories!

First category, as pictured shows Finest Flowers winner for Best Balcony/Display Container Award: Mary Gilles Little Larkins. (Runner up: The Potteries).

Chair of our performance advisory group (PAG), John Davies said: “It has been a real delight to be involved in the judging of Barnet Homes Finest competition – residents have put a lot of hard work in. It’s reassuring to see people and communities join together over the simple pleasures that come from gardening and improving the surroundings, which benefits the whole community.”

Barnet Homes’ Deputy Chief Executive Officer Derek Rust said: “Our yearly Finest Flowers gardening competition increases in popularity each year and is a win-win situation. Our residents get a real platform to demonstrate their pride in their homes and the surrounding areas, which in turn makes a huge difference to our communities.  Barnet Homes appreciates the efforts made to create these beautiful gardens and balconies. Thanks and well done to all our residents who entered Finest Flowers this summer.”

This year’s entries including some new and ‘budding’ gardeners who didn’t win this year, such as Michael of Drummond House, but we’d like to thank all the residents who worked so hard to get their gardens and balconies looking so beautiful. And, there’s always next year, which will be the 10th anniversary of Finest Flowers.