The Major Works team at Barnet Homes ensures that your home is maintained to a high standard by having a programme of items, such as kitchens, bathrooms, windows, roofs and fire doors, on a long term replacement plan.
We undertake these planned replacement works to reduce the number of responsive repairs Barnet Homes has to carry out. This strategy reduces disruption to our residents and is a cost effective way of maintaining your homes.
The Major Works team has published the proposed five year programme to allow residents to see when works are due to take place and for Leaseholders to adequately plan and budget for the works ahead. The programme can be seen by clicking here.
The programme is published in accordance with the priorities and budget available at the time and the replacement date of an item may also be deferred if it is still in good condition when surveyed. The programme is therefore subject to amendment at any time, so please visit the website regularly to see if any updates have occurred.