Universal Credit is the new benefit which was rolled out in Barnet in March this year. It combines six benefits, including Housing Benefit, into one which should make it easier for you to claim.
Housing Benefit is a means-tested benefit to help people on a low income pay their rent. Before Universal Credit was introduced, you would have needed to apply for Housing Benefit separately but under Universal Credit this is no longer necessary. The Universal Credit claim form includes a section about ‘Housing Costs’ and it is important you complete this as fully and accurately as possible, as this will affect how much money you are entitled to.
Previously, Housing Benefit was paid directly to your landlord, which in your case is Barnet Homes. Under Universal Credit the claimant will receive the housing ‘element’ of the benefit directly – which means it will be your responsibility to pay Barnet Homes your rent.
If you apply for Universal Credit you will be invited to a meeting at your local Job Centre so they can check the information you provided before they process it. Please make sure you include your housing costs as Housing Benefit will not pay your rent if you are claiming Universal Credit.
If you are unsure what your rent costs are or have concerns about Universal Credit please phone your Rental Income Officer for help on 020 8359 4374.