A new prize draw has been introduced by Barnet Homes in a drive to ensure every tenants’ home is gas safe for a fourth consecutive year.

The new draw, set up through Barnet Homes’ contractor, Mitie, is designed to incentivise tenants to make and keep their annual gas servicing appointment when they receive a reminder notice. Every month this year, tenants who keep their appointments will be entered into the draw for a chance to win £50.

Angela Morris of Burnt Oak was the first to win the monthly draw and was presented with a cheque by Barnet Homes’ gas contractors Mitie on Thursday 2 August.

Angela said: “I was really excited when I got my cheque – I wasn’t expecting to win the prize draw. It’s a very good idea and makes people aware of how important the annual gas service is for everyone’s safety.”

Every year across the UK carbon monoxide poisoning kills, on average, 40 people and injures around 300, indicating the importance of having regular safety checks for gas appliances in the home.

New end-of-year figures show Barnet Homes gas team achieved a 100 per cent of the gas safety checks required for the council homes it manages for the third year in a row.

Barnet Homes Chief Executive, Tracey Lees, said: “I’d like to thank Mitie for setting up the draw and our residents for keeping their appointments and appreciating the importance of our gas safety checks.

“We pride ourselves on offering great services and a 100 per cent gas servicing record for the fourth year running is a fantastic achievement by all the staff concerned. I hope this latest incentive will have a positive effect in getting people to respond again this year.”

The retention of the 100 per cent records follows efforts by staff over the last three years to ensure tenants keep appointments and allow access to their homes for their annual gas service.

These include tracking overdue properties closely, cold calling tenants without gas safety checks, and – as a last resort – applying for court injunctions to obtain emergency access to properties.

Barnet Homes also uses resident profiling information to identify and address the reasons why certain people may be regularly missing safety check appointments, such as language barriers or disabilities.