Unemployed Barnet council tenants and leaseholders can now gain extra help and support to help them back to work thanks to new clubs set up by social landlord Barnet Homes.
The new Job Clubs are a chance for jobseekers to exchange knowledge, ideas and support, as well as to work closely with local organisations to take advantage of employment, training and volunteering opportunities as they arise.
Two clubs are already meeting every fortnight at Cheshir Hall Community Centre in Hendon and High Barnet Library, with two more due to start soon at North Finchley and Grahame Park libraries. Each is being led voluntarily by Barnet Homes residents who are currently seeking employment.
The clubs have been introduced by Barnet Homes as part of its ‘Feeling the Squeeze?’ initiative, launched in the spring of 2009 to offer help and support to its residents during the economic downturn. They are being supported by Barnet Council, Jobcentre Plus and Genesis Community Housing.
Barnet Homes Chief Executive, Tracey Lees, said: “As an organisation, we’re very clear that we are here to improve lives, not just housing. We want to support all of our tenants and leaseholders in reaching their potential, and to help them through the current economic difficulties with our ‘Feeling the Squeeze?’ campaign.
“Clearly the jobs market is incredibly competitive right now. The new jobs clubs will give residents – many of whom are disadvantaged by their backgrounds – the best possible chance of benefiting from the opportunities that do arise.
“It’s a way of gaining practical skills and advice to get back into the jobs market, whether directly or through training and volunteering. Being unemployed can also be a very lonely business, and we hope residents will benefit from having face to face support from other people.”
Residents joining the clubs will each discuss individual programmes based on their skills, knowledge and aspirations. They will be able to hone their interview skills and update CVs to help them in job, volunteering or training searches.
Meanwhile, group leaders will be responsible for liaising with other organisations on support they can offer, including job vacancies, traineeships and volunteering opportunities.
Barnet Homes residents who are interested in the jobs clubs should ask their local Jobcentre Plus for more details.
Alternatively, they can phone Jacqui Jones, Central Resident Involvement Officer at Barnet Homes, on 020 8359 4777 or email jacqui.jones@barnethomes.org.