Tenants who try to cheat their way through the housing system will be targeted in a new campaign to stamp out fraud at council homes across Barnet.
The initiative, launched today (Monday 31 January) by social landlord Barnet Homes with the support of Barnet Council, sees the introduction of two new dedicated fraud officers.
They will tackle any attempted misuse of social housing by dishonest tenants, including:
Non-occupation. There is a shortage of council housing in Barnet. Barnet Homes will take action to recover a property if there is evidence that a tenant is not living there.
Illegal sub-letting. Tenants cannot sublet their entire property and must get Barnet Homes’ permission before taking in a lodger or subtenant.
Succession or assignment fraud. There are strict rules about passing on or transferring a tenancy.
Housing benefit fraud. Barnet Homes works with Barnet Council to take action against any residents who attempt to claim benefit to which they are not entitled.
As part of the government-funded campaign, residents will be asked to report any suspected cases of tenancy fraud. All information will be dealt with in the strictest confidence.
Barnet Homes Chief Executive Tracey Lees said: “The demand for council housing in Barnet far exceeds supply. We want to ensure that the people living in our properties are genuine tenants with a genuine right to be there.
“People who play the system are depriving sometimes desperate individuals or families of a good quality home. But it can often be difficult for us to identify and prove those cases where tenants are renting a home without permission.
“We look forward to working with the council – and, most importantly, our residents – to step up our efforts against housing fraud.”
Councillor Richard Cornelius, Cabinet Member for Housing, Planning and Regeneration, added: “It’s important that those residents who are in genuine need of social housing are able to receive it and that the system is not exploited by those dishonest individuals looking to misuse properties for their own personal gain.
“Having a dedicated team in place working to target those who believe it is acceptable to fraudulently claim council housing sends a strong message to them that Barnet Council and its partners will not tolerate or treat lightly those who are found to be doing so.”
Any resident who suspects housing fraud should call 020 8359 7254 or email talk2us@barnethomes.org.