Dear Claire,
Thank you for your request dated 21 February 2024, asking for information that we hold as follows:
Children and Young People within your Authority
- How many children and young people (CYPs) (0-25) live within your Local Authority?
- How many CYPs are of school age (0-18)?
- Of those, how many are in privately funded independent schools?
- How many CYPs have EHCPs (please separate your answer into key stages)
- How many CYPs are recorded as having SEND without an EHCP?
- How many CYPs are Looked After (both section 20 and 31)?
- How many LAC CYPs have EHCPs?
- How many CYPs are attending a secure centre?
- How many CYPs attending a secure centre have EHCPs?
- How many CYPs attending a secure centre do not have EHCPs but are identified as having SEND?
- In 2023 How many applications for an EHCNAs did you receive from schools or other professional bodies?
- In 2023 How many applications for an EHCNAs did you receive from parents or carers?
- Of the 2023 applications, how many were responded to within the 6 week statutory deadline?
- Of the 2023 applications – how many were issued a refusal to assess?
- Of the 2023 applications that were a refusal to assess – how many were resolved by external mediation specifically?
- Of the 2023 applications that were a “refusal to assess” – how many went to appeal?
- Of the 2023 applications that went to appeal – how many are still waiting for a tribunal hearing?
- Of the 2023 applications that went to appeal – how many were resolved, by agreeing to undertake an EHCNA prior to the hearing?
- And how many that went to hearing ended in an order to carry out an assessment?
- After assessment how many ECHNAs ended with a refusal to issue an EHCP?
- After assessment how many EHCNAs that ended with a refusal to issue, were sent the notification with the 16 week statutory deadline?
- How many of those “refusal to issue” actively engaged with external mediation?
- And of those in mediation, how many have successfully ended in an EHCP, how many have resulted in not issuing and how many are still being resolved?
- How many of those “refusal to issue” were appealed to a tribunal?
- Of those “refusal to issue” that have gone to appeal, how many have been resolved by issuing an EHCP prior to the hearing date?
- Of those that went to hearing, how many ended in a order to issue?
- How many appeals for not issuing have a hearing date beyond today?
- Of the 2023 applications for EHCNA how many were issued an EHCP within the 20 week statutory deadline?
- Of the 2023 Applications how many are still within the 20 week deadline to issue an EHCP?
- Of the 2023 Applications how many have passed the 20 week deadline to issue an EHCP?
- Of the 2023 applications, what is the longest time (in weeks) that an EHCP has not yet been finalised?
- What has been the most significant cause of delay for those that are past the deadline?
Law and complaints specifically relating to Administration of EHCPs and EHCNAs
- How many Pre-action Protocol letters have you received in 2023 for failing to meet statutory deadlines relating to EHCNAs and EHCPs?
- How many Judicial Reviews have you attended in 2023 relating to failing to meet statutory deadlines for EHCNAs and EHCPs?
- How many complaints have you received in 2023 specifically relating to failure to meet deadlines?
- Of those complaints how many are at tier 1 and how many at tier 2?
- How many complaints then went on to the LGSCO?
- How many complaints to the LGSCO were found in favour of the CYP?
- In 2023, How much money have you had to issue to parents/carers as a result of failure to meet those statutory deadlines, in line with the LGSCOs recommendations of recompense?
- How many EHCPs have not been updated in over a year?
- What is the longest overdue EHCP? (in weeks)
- How many CYPs were required to have had an amended plan by the 15th February 2023 due to phased transfer?
- How many of those above were late?
- How many “cease to maintain” EHCPs did you issue in 2023?
- How many of those “cease to maintain” went to tribunal?
Placement of school aged CYP with EHCPs
- How many CYPs with an EHCP are in:
- Mainstream
- Mainstream but attend an included hub (or similar)
- Maintained Special School
- Independent School
- Independent Special School
- Home Schooled
2. How many CYPs with an EHCP are currently on roll but not attending due to being “medically unfit”
- Mainstream
- Mainstream but attend an included hub (or similar)
- Maintained Special School
- Independent School
- Independent Special School
- Of CYPs in Independent schools (not special) how many are funded by your Local Authority?
Barnet Homes’ response:
We have searched our records and can confirm that none of the information you have requested is held by Barnet Homes.
Advice and Assistance
As the information you have requested is not held by Barnet Homes but may be held by Barnet Council, they can be contacted at:
Barnet Council
Information Management Team (IMT),
2 Bristol Avenue, Colindale, London NW9 4EW
Your Rights
If you are unhappy with the way your request for information has been handled, you can request a review by emailing and marking it as an appeal for the attention of the Data Controller. There is no charge for making an appeal.
After this, if you remain dissatisfied with the handling of your request or complaint, you have the right to appeal to the Information Commissioner:
- Telephone: 0303 123 1113
- Website:
Kind regards,