Thank you for your request dated 13 March 2023, we have treated this as a Freedom of Information request. You have asked for the following information; please see our responses below in blue:
“How many domestic/residential properties does Barnet Council own which you manage? How many of those are occupied?
What contracts do you have to renovate those homes?
For the purpose of this FOI, Renovation is defined as replacement of large internal components such as bathrooms, kitchen and toilets to our retained stock – Kitchen and Bathroom replacement.
What months and years are those contracts for?
Kitchen and bathroom replacements April 2022-March 2023 (current); April 2023-March 2024
What contractors/companies have you contracted, directly or through Barnet Homes to carry out renovations to your properties between 2013 and 2023?
R Benson and Son
When does your current contract with your contractors for renovations end?
Kitchen and Bathroom replacement -March 2024
Are you renovating any properties during the period of March 2023 to March 2024?
Yes – bathrooms – 190, Kitchens – 246, Toilets – 13
Will you be renovating any properties between April 2023 and August 2023? If yes to this question then how many for which type of renovation?
Yes, but unable to provide this information at this time as we are currently awaiting the contractor’s programme for the upcoming year
How many of your properties have extractor fans in their bathrooms? How many of those have windows in those bathrooms? How many properties in the Rocklands, N3 1EN, have extractor fans in their bathrooms?
We don’t hold exact records but we estimate at between 70 to 80% of all kitchen and bathroom installs between the years 2018-2023 had extractor fans fitted.
How many extractor fans have you paid for installation of between 2018-2023? It is obvious this information is on your accounts as you are financially accountable, including to the public.
We don’t hold records for all the years you have requested but information from our repairs department indicates that 602 extractor fans were installed from July 2020 to date, with 55 fans as works in progress.
Would you be prepared to install an extractor fan at the request of a tenant?
This would depend on the circumstances – a survey would need to be carried out before anything was agreed.
Would you be prepared to install an extractor fan at the request of a tenant if there were mould in the property of that tenant?
Likely yes though this would depend on the circumstances – a survey would need to be carried out before anything was agreed.
How many formal complaints have you received each year between 2010 and 2023?
How many stage two complaints have you received each year between 2010 and 2023?
How many stage one complaints were upheld? How many stage one complaints were partially upheld? How many stage two complaints were upheld? How many stage two complaints were partially upheld?
How many stage one complaints have to refused to investigate each year between 2010 and 2023? How many stage two complaints did you refuse to investigate between 2010 and 2023?”
Please see table below for data that answers the last four queries:
Year | Stage 1 received | Stage 1 upheld | Stage 1 partially upheld | Stage 2 received | Stage 2 upheld | Stage 2 partially upheld | Stage 1 refusal | Stage 2 refusal |
2010/11 | 910 | 302 | Not held | 38 | Not held | Not held | Not recorded | Not recorded |
2011/12 | 672 | 233 | Not held | 47 | Not held | Not held | Not recorded | Not recorded |
2012/13 | 821 | 361 | Not held | 58 | Not held | Not held | Not recorded | Not recorded |
2013/14 | 895 | 346 | Not held | 67 | Not held | Not held | Not recorded | Not recorded |
2014/15 | 883 | 387 | Not held | 75 | 19 | Not held | Not recorded | Not recorded |
2015/16 | 1011 | 521 | Not held | 73 | 22 | Not held | Not recorded | Not recorded |
2016/17 | 952 | 533 | 139 | 51 | 24 | 11 | Not recorded | Not recorded |
2017/18 | 1298 | 820 | 161 | 63 | 18 | 18 | Not recorded | Not recorded |
2018/19 | 997 | 569 | 170 | 86 | 36 | 16 | 0 | 0 |
2019/20 | 1218 | 755 | 216 | 87 | 31 | 25 | 0 | 0 |
2020/21 | 865 | 516 | 215 | 87 | 27 | 34 | 0 | 1 |
2021/22 | 1322 | 662 | 355 | 137 | 50 | 52 | 0 | 0 |
2022/23 | 1401 | 736 | 299 | 161 | 54 | 57 | 0 | 1 |
Your rights
If you are unhappy with the way your request for information has been handled, you can request a review by emailing and marking it as an appeal for the attention of the Data Controller.
If you remain dissatisfied with the handling of your request or complaint, you have a right to appeal to the Information Commissioner at: The Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF (telephone: 08456 30 60 60 or 01625 54 57 45; website:
There is no charge for making an appeal.
Kind regards