Happy Spring! After a long and difficult winter with many people struggling with the cost-of living crisis, it is with renewed vigour that the Resident Board are here to be your voice and work with Barnet Homes to improve services to you.

In January, I attended the Community Awards. They were very inspiring and it was a joy to hear the stories of the fifty plus nominations, and to know there are so many groups and individuals who are working to make a positive impact on our lives. It was a great evening to recognise and celebrate them with 180 people attending.

I attended the National Federation of ALMOs’ first Tenants Advisory Panel meeting for 2023, which was held in early February. It focussed on policy updates, and the role of the Regulator and the Housing Ombudsman. There were extended discussions regarding lifestyle choices, landlord responsibilities, and the health effects of damp and mould on those who live in and are exposed to such situations. You can find out more about preventing damp and mould in your home on page nine of this edition of atHome.

In March of last year, the Resident Board welcomed two new members. If you have made and already broken your new year’s resolutions, how about making another one; to find out what the Resident Board is all about by attending a meeting to see how we work, and think about giving up some of your time to become a member. I am always happy to have a chat with you in person. If you are interested in finding out more or making an appointment to have a chat with me, please either email getinvolved@barnethomes.org or call Deborah Beckford on 020 8359 5307.

I hope you enjoy spring, and if you’re one of our many residents who enjoy gardening, perhaps you can even get involved in our Finest Flowers gardening competition!