Barnet Homes and Opendoor Homes are committed to providing homes where residents can live long and fulfilling lives. To ensure residents are safe and comfortable where they live, we are investing £2m to tackle damp and mould in properties.
By thoroughly surveying our homes, we have a comprehensive record of residents who may have damp and mould in their homes, and will be attending the homes with the most severe cases as a priority. If your home is one of those which has been identified, we will be in contact with you in the near future.
We are also creating a Healthy Homes Team, who will invest in making our homes great places to live; with dedicated members of staff to help treat cases of damp and mould in homes, and give advice to all our residents.
Ryan Bolton, The Barnet Group’s Head of Repairs and Estates said “This £2m investment in our homes shows that we are committed to making our residents’ homes the best possible place to live. We have a detailed action plan to tackle damp and mould in homes, which we are now working on. We will share more information about it with you in the next issue of atHome.”