The Barnet Group is looking for talented people to join our growing business

We have 10 apprenticeship opportunities in Barnet Homes If you love learning, but also want to gain experience in the workplace whilst getting paid, then you should consider an apprenticeship.

By the end of the programme, you will have acquired the skills, knowledge and experience, as well as a relevant qualification, to perform a skilled role.

80% of your time will be spent working in a real job which gives you the experience you need to excel in your chosen sector.

The other 20% of your time will be spent on off-the-job training which may be delivered in several ways: face to face, online, through projects or through supervision and mentoring

Minimum criteria: GCSE Level 4 in Mathematics and English.

You will receive qualifications in:

  • Property Management level 2
  • Customer service level 2
  • Safeguarding Level 2
  • CIH Chartered Institute of Housing Level 2

If you want to find out more contact us at