Following the tragic events of the Grenfell Tower disaster, Barnet Homes created a Fire Safety team. The aim of this team is to safeguard and keep safe our residents in their own homes by reviewing the buildings and undertaking various fire safety measures where required.
Our initial priority was the highrise blocks, over 18m. Three such tower blocks were Templewood, Harpenmead and Granville Point in London NW2. These blocks each consist of 60 residential dwellings housing Barnet Homes tenants and leaseholders.
The following works were carried out:
- Installation of a sprinkler system including new tanks and pumps
- Upgrade to the existing smoke alarm system
- Fire compartmentation within each property and communal areas
- New front entrance doors to each dwelling
- Replacement of communal fire doors and screens, along with new doors to electrical intake, chute rooms, sprinkler valve and cupboards
- Improved signage.
Vallectric were the nominated contractor to carry out the works and quickly engaged with residents through their Resident Liaison Officers (RLOs). This involved discussing the works, how it would be implemented and what impact it would have on the residents.
Close working between Barnet Homes and the Granville Estate Resident Association (GERA) ensured that works were successfully completed to the properties within nine months.
Whilst the works are nearing completion, we are undertaking many other projects.
- Other works carried out by the Fire Safety team includes:
- Replacement of non-compliant front entrance doors
- Improved smoke and CO alarm installations.
- Fire safety works to care homes, sheltered schemes and hostels.
- Building a Safer Future – Building Safety Cases.
- Fire risk assessments and remediations.
- Fire door inspections
- Cladding remediation.
- EWS1 and structural investigations.
- Programming of 5 year low/medium rise fire safety works.