The Barnet Group has recently launched a new Online Balance Checks Portal for Barnet Homes/ Opendoor Homes tenants and Barnet Homes leaseholders. The self-service portal enables residents to access priority services at a time convenient to them, without having to call or email us.
Key features of the portal include: checking rent or service charge account balances, requesting rent or service charge statements, creating payment plans and using a budget planner.
The portal can be used by:
- Current Barnet Homes tenants (primary or joint)
- Current Barnet Homes leaseholders
- Current Opendoor Homes tenants (primary or joint)
The portal cannot be used by:
- Other household members of the above
- Former tenants or leaseholders
- Residents living in temporary accommodation
To register/ sign up for the online portal and create an account, you will need to have the following information to hand:
- Email address
- Tenancy reference/ service charge account number
- Mobile number
- Date of birth (some residents might find that they do not have a date of birth linked to their account and an error message will appear. If this happens, please contact us at and we will help you set up the account).
For further information about the portal you can view a demonstration video and the different features here.
To access the portal please visit: