We are committed to helping you to live independently in your home, no matter your age, illness or disability.
If you are a Barnet Homes tenant and are having difficulties getting around your home or using your bathroom or kitchen, you may be eligible for alterations – or adaptations – to your home.
This will depend on the outcome of an assessment by the Occupational Therapy team.
How to apply for adaptations:
Tenants should first contact Adult Social Care at Barnet Council where an Assessment and Enablement Officer will carry out an assessment over the phone (Occupational Therapy service to request an assessment:
Adults: Social Care Direct – socialcaredirect@barnet.gov.uk – 020 8359 5000
Children: Disabled Children’s Occupational Therapy Team – mash@barnet.gov.uk – 020 8359 4066
The Assessment and Enablement officer will complete an initial triage assessment to establish whether an adaptation is both necessary and appropriate. By doing so, they will look at issues including but not limited to:
- medical condition of applicant/household;
- under-occupancy; and
Once the triage has been carried out this will be sent to Barnet Homes. Barnet Homes will then assign to their own Occupational Therapist.
OT assessments for children aged under 18 will be completed in full by Social Services and then referred to Barnet Homes. Please contact them on 02083594066
Types of adaptation:
Minor adaptations
Upon receipt of a referral from the OT, Barnet Homes will consider on a case-by-case basis requests for aids or adaptations. Provided a tenant meets the national eligibility criteria, Barnet Homes will liaise with Social Services after the approval of an OT assessment to organise the provision of the recommended equipment.
Minor adaptations may include:
• grab rails to aid stability inside and outside your home,
• door entry systems to make it easier for you to let people in if you cannot reach your front door.
• Lever taps
• Stair rails
• alterations to steps
Major adaptations
During the assessment, the OT will firstly consider any equipment/minor adaptation that may meet the applicant’s requirements. If this is not appropriate, the OT will explore major adaptations to suit the individual’s needs with due consideration given to short/long-term needs including the needs of the carer when making recommendations.
Examples of major adaptations include, but are not limited to:
- Level access showers;
- Large permanent ramps;
- Door widening;
- Stair lifts;
- Kitchen refurbishment with low level units (appliances excluded);
- Through-floor lifts;
- Ceiling Tracked hoists;
- Swing doors
- Accessible toilets
- Accessible kitchen facilities
Eligibility criteria for all adaptations
The following criteria will be taken into account when considering recommendations for adaptations:
- the person’s needs should meet the national eligibility criteria as defined in the Care and Support (Eligibility Criteria) Regulations 2014;
- the adaptations must be at the tenant’s only or main home;
- individuals aged 18 years and over who are not a named tenant on the tenancy agreement must be registered as living at the property for council tax purposes and on the Electoral Roll for that address;
- in cases where a child is disabled and the parents are separated, adaptation works will only be completed at the property of principal residence (normally the residence of the parent who is in receipt of child benefit for that child);
- applicants who are seeking a transfer or mutual exchange will each be considered on their individual merit. This will include whether the applicant is requesting to move into a property which is not suitable or less suitable for their needs, in which case they may not be eligible for assistance under this policy. Tenants are not eligible for major adaptation if registered for a transfer or mutual exchange; and
- where tenants are in arrears, a decision will be made by the Adaptations team on a case-by-case basis taking into account their individual circumstances and repayment history.
Barnet Homes will not carry out adaptations in any property where:
- it is under-occupied;
- there is statutory overcrowding; in the event of this a referral will be made to the Barnet Homes Housing Options team to investigate;
- a Right to Buy application has been made;
- it is a short life leased property;
- it is Temporary Accommodation or a hostel (if a Temporary Accommodation property is not suitable for the tenant’s needs under medical reasons and major adaptations are required, a referral will be made to the Housing Options team to investigate);
- the lease is not owned by Barnet Council (the tenant will be referred to the property owner (e.g. housing association) in this instance);
- it is occupied by a leaseholder and/or their tenants;
- the layout and/or location of the current property make it unsuitable;
- the works would negatively affect how lettable the property is in future;
- the property is outside of the London Borough of Barnet; or
- where possession proceedings have commenced, or a possession order is already in place.
Making an application
To find out how to arrange an assessment of your needs, visit Barnet Council’s –
Adult Social Care Direct : Major adaptations to your home | Barnet Council
Adult Social Care Direct
London Borough of Barnet, 2 Bristol Avenue, Colindale, London NW9 4EW
Tel: 020 8359 5000
Email: socialcaredirect@barnet.gov.uk
If you feel you do not require an assessment and you wish to obtain simple equipment like toileting and bathing aids, walking frames and walking sticks, visit Barnet Council website at Get the right equipment and gadgets for you | Barnet Council
Assessment for children under the age of 18
Alternatively, if you are requesting an assessment for a child under the age of 18 please contact
Disabled Children’s Social Care Occupational Therapy Service | Barnet Council
Disabled Children’s Occupational Therapy Team mash@barnet.gov.uk – 020 8359 4066
Leasehold/Private owners
If you are a leaseholder or a private landlord please refer to Barnet Councils website – Apply for a Disabled Facilities Grant | Barnet Council
Disabled Facilities Grants (DFG) are available towards the cost of providing major adaptations subject to eligibility criteria. This is a means tested grant and you may have to pay a contribution towards the grant depending on your financial circumstances. If you are not the homeowner consent will be required from the legal owner.
You can obtain a free online assessment which will help you to find out if your home could be adapted and whether you qualify for a Disabled Facilities Grant. This can be found at Foundations, The National Body for Home Improvement Agencies in England,. Visit their website to find out more at Housing Adaptation (adaptmyhome.org.uk)
What happens next?
An occupational therapist will arrange a visit to assess your needs and discuss solutions that could help you.
They may offer you advice, or refer you for rehabilitation, or provide equipment to help.Alternatively, they may suggest adapting your home in some way. They will then make recommendations to Barnet Homes.
You will be asked to give your consent before any work begins, and informed when the work will be carried out by our contractors.
Adaptation Type | Timescale Targets | Timescale Targets |
Urgent | Non-urgent | |
Equipment / minor adaptation | 3 weeks | 6 weeks |
Major adaptation | 21 weeks | 24 weeks |
APPROX – Timescales for works to be completed once received referral from OT
Once work is completed, the contractor should leave you with instructions for using any new equipment and a contact number for repairs or emergency call outs.
In some cases we may not be able to adapt your home. We will then discuss with you options for moving to more suitable accommodation.