Barnet Homes provides short-term, emergency temporary accommodation (ETA) to customers when they become homeless.
We also work with other forms of temporary accommodation, including:
- Private sector leased properties
- Hostels
- Housing Association properties
- Non-secure tenancies on regeneration estates.
This section contains advice and information about the different kinds of temporary accommodation. It covers:
Emergency temporary accommodation (ETA)
What is ETA; and when will a person be offered ETA?
Your responsibilities in ETA
Information on rent and bills; what to do when you leave ETA for more than 7 days; and further responsibilities.
If you have a problem in ETA
What to do if you have a problem with repairs; and what to do if you are unhappy with ETA.
Other forms of temporary accommodation
Information about other forms of temporary accommodation; and contact numbers for if you have a problem.
An update about the regeneration estates
Answers to common questions about the regeneration estates; and an update on the regeneration process.