Where to find us
We are located at: 2 Bristol Avenue, Colindale, London NW9 4EW
Email us
For all enquiries except homelessness issues, please email talktous@barnethomes.org.
How to contact us about homelessness
Email: housingadvice@barnethomes.org
Phone: 020 8610 3539 (Open 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday). Outside of these hours, if it’s an emergency you can call 020 8389 2000.
If you are likely to become homeless it is important that you contact us as soon as possible. The earlier you get in touch, the sooner we can provide advice to help you.
Call us
Our Customer Contact Team can help you between 8am and 5pm Monday to Friday. We also offer a 24 hour emergency call service through the same number.
Call: 020 8080 6587
Text Relay: 18001 020 80 80 6587 – this is for people with hearing and speech difficulties to contact us.
If you phone or email us, please remember our staff are here to help you and should not be subject to abuse. We have a zero tolerance on verbal abuse or the use of discriminatory language. We’ll end calls if such language is used.
Report damp and mould
If you have damp and mould in your home, please report it to our Healthy Homes Team using this online form. Using our form will be the quickest and most efficient way we can help you.
We welcome feedback as a valuable opportunity to learn from mistakes and make improvements for the future and on receiving a complaint, we expect our staff to listen and put things right quickly and informally.
Click anywhere in this box for further information.
You have the right to request a copy of the information we hold about you – known as a Subject Access request.
Click anywhere in this box for further information.
We provide a lot of information for residents, service users and the general public.
If you cannot find what you are looking for, then you can submit a Freedom of Information request. You may also use our search facility option or find more details in our publication scheme.
Click anywhere in this box for further information.
Press enquiries
Phone: 020 8359 4761
Email: let2barnet@barnethomes.org