It has been well documented how devastating the effect of domestic violence is on children and young people.

With the chaos they face in their home lives and accommodation, concentrating on schoolwork or building up their confidence to deal with everyday life seems impossible.

So we were delighted recently able to share with you that due to the kind donations of so many Barnet Homes staff and partners, children and their mothers of Minerva House were able to have a Christmas meal complete with presents. It doesn’t seem like much, but gave the families a real boost and hopeful outlook for their futures.

The children were so grateful they have worked so hard on some handmade cards to thank everyone involved.

If you, or someone you know, is suffering from domestic violence, please contact Barnet Homes’ domestic violence and abuse One Stop Shop takes places every Thursday from 9:30am – 12:30pm at Barnet House. You can also contact the service by phone on 020 8359 4797.