Barnet Homes and Barnet Council are in discussions about a new agreement for managing the council’s housing stock, leases and tenancies.

This will also cover services taken on more recently by Barnet Homes, including assessments of housing applications and the allocation of homes to people in housing need.

The agreement will also address wider issues, such as:

  • supporting people into work
  • helping residents to manage the impact of changes to the benefits system
  • building new council homes in the borough

We want to ensure the agreement incorporates the views of Barnet Homes residents and people who have applied for support with housing.

Your feedback will impact on the kind of services you receive over the coming years from Barnet Homes.

Everyone who completes the survey will be entered into a prize draw for four £50 vouchers.

Please make sure you have your say by visiting the management agreement consultation page on Barnet Council’s website.

The consultation ends on Friday 11 January 2013.