Since reopening in 2023, The Domestic Abuse One Stop Shop has provided a vital support to residents who have experienced domestic violence or abuse. Barnet Homes’ Domestic Abuse team provide the service every Thursday between 9:30am and 12:30pm. The team along with its supporting partners consisting of solicitors, charities, housing options officers and counsellors facilitate a safe space for victims to seek support. The service is open to everyone of all genders, identities, ages, and races. There is no discrimination here, everyone is welcome. Since reopening, the service has been widely used mostly by women and girls.
On Thursday 1 February, Councillor Sara Conway visited the centre to meet with Barnet Homes’ staff and their supporting partners including new collaborator; Change Grow Live, who are a national health and social care charity that offers advice, support and treatment for people who want to change their life.
Following Councillor Conway’s visit, she commented on the importance of collaboration and having a multi-agency approach to help support both victims and survivors of domestic abuse and violence in the borough.
Councillor Conway said: “The Domestic Abuse One Stop Shop is a wonderful example of how we collaborate with partners to deliver our key priorities to intervene early and help prevent domestic abuse and violence. The facilities and support at this in-person drop-in service have developed since reopening in 2023 providing ongoing support and a safe space for anyone suffering from domestic abuse.
Following feedback from a recent ‘Leader Listens’ session with domestic abuse survivors, Barnet Council and Barnet Homes are working together to take forward their suggestion to increase awareness of this key service. I was pleased to visit today to meet with the support services, join a triage session and see how we are working to continuously improve services.”
The Domestic Abuse One Stop Shop Service is open every Thursday from 9:30am-12:30pm.
If you or someone you know are suffering domestic abuse, there is help available. Please visit our dedicated pages for contact information and support.