About the service
Barnet Council has launched the Community Skip Service to help residents get rid of large unwanted items. New dates and locations have now been added – find out where your nearest skip is by using this link.
This service is free to use and is available to all residents across the borough.
Before using this service, please consider options to give away or reuse items.
The location of your community skip and the date you can use it is based on your address.
Check skip location and service dates
date checker to find your skip location and service date
How to use the community skip service
Proof of residency in Barnet
You’ll need to show you live in the borough of Barnet, take a Council Tax or utility bill with you on collection day.
Hours of use
Bring your items from 7am to 1pm on the day your road is scheduled to have the service.
Items left outside these times will be treated as fly-tipping and you could get fined.
Number of items you can bring
Each household can bring a maximum of 3 items.
What you need to do
Please bring someone to help you if you have large or heavy items.
On arrival you’ll need to:
- leave your vehicle, don’t drive up to the skip or park in the skip location it will be cordoned off
- queue up on foot with your items
- show proof of your address to a member of Barnet staff
- use the skip for large non-electrical items or the council vehicle for large electrical items
By using this service you are agreeing to the terms and conditions (ODT, 13.6 KB)
Items you can take to the community skip
Non-electrical items for the skip:
- armchair
- bed base
- mattress
- chair
- chest of drawers
- Christmas tree
- small table or dismantled big table
- small wooden bench
- small wooden gate
- sofa
- sofa bed
- wall unit (dismantled if over 6 foot)
- wardrobe (dismantled if over 6 foot)
Large electrical items for the council vehicle:
- cooker
- dishwasher
- fridges and freezers
- tumble dryer
- washing machine
Items for reuse:
You can donate items these items through the community skips service if they are in good or fair condition:
- bicycles
- children’s toys
- clothing and textiles (bagged)
- wooden furniture (no upholstered furniture)
Items in a suitable condition will be sent the Reuse shop run by North London Waste Authority (NLWA), which will be refurbished and put back into use instead of being disposed of. Clothing and textiles will be given to The Salvation Army.
Items not accepted
- small appliances, for example a toaster, hair dryer or kettle
- asbestos
- clinical waste
- gas bottles, canisters or cylinders
- any other potentially hazardous materials
Waste that you can get rid of through other services won’t be accepted through the community skip service.
This includes:
- waste accepted through household recycling and waste collections, for example bags of waste. Use your household refuse collections, the bulky waste collection service or the Reuse and Recycling Centre
- waste from commercial properties or businesses. Check the business waste collections page
Recycling items
Where possible we’ll recycle items collected from the community skips.
Give away or reuse items
Consider giving your items away that are in fair or good condition, rather than disposing them through the Community Skip Service.
This may benefit others who might be in need of your item.
They also might be willing to collect from you saving you a trip and reducing costs.
Other ways to dispose of large items
If you can’t get rid of your items through the Community Skips Service, you can:
- donate furniture or have large electrical appliances collected for free
- take items to the Reuse and Recycling Centre, Summers Lane, N12 0RF
- book and pay for a bulky waste collection from your property. Charges start at £35 for up to 3 items