Thank you for your request dated 4 April 2023, we have treated this as a Freedom of Information request. You have asked for the following information; please see our responses below in blue:
- All Competitive bids between Barnet Homes part of Barnet Group, Quinn London and other prospective third parties
The Barnet Group are regulated by the Public Contract Regulation 2015, as a requirement of those regulation, we have to electronically tender in order to provide healthy competition and open to all contractors on the public domain.
The Barnet Group procurement portal is called E-Delta which is a regulated and approved by the Government for public sector bodies.
- Procurement details, following Quinn London winning competitive bid – between Barnet Homes part of Barnet Group and Quinn London
Quinn have won four contracts for the period 2020-2023 based on a competitive tendering process, followed by a thorough evaluation process with internal and external bodies evaluating. The award of the contract was scored based on 60 percent quality and 40 percent on price. Followed by a full bind contract in place.
- Grahame Park Refurbished Contract
- External Repairs and Redecoration programme
- Retrofit works- 2023- Retrofit Energy Works for Housing value – Contract Awarded
- Major Works for Roof Window and Doors- (preferred contractor subject to completion of stage 2 section 20 notification)
- The exchange of emails, documents including contract details relating to all aspects of Grahame Park refurbishment work on al refurbishment work including but not restricted to new windows, new kitchens, new doors, new external doors, new bathrooms. All available requests and agreements carried out by Quinn London as commissioned by Barnet Homes for Barnet Group including Barnet Council
Refusal Notice
s12 (cost of compliance exceeds appropriate limit)
The data you have requested is substantial and in order to respond to the request we would need to review approximately 14,300 documents and would reasonably estimate it to take in excess of 2383 hours to review.
Emails sent from Barnet Homes to Quinn London:
- Thomas Carroll = 1047
- Paul Jones = 1045
- Paul Rose = 927
- Marian Dowling = 145
- Zoe Richardson = 347
- Paul Barker = 222
- Gavin Bass = 264
- Social Team = 113
- Boost Team = 54
- Comms Team = 27
- Emails received from Quinn London to Barnet Homes
- Will be the approximately same number as above
- Emails received from Quinn London to Barnet Homes
- Emails from our Consultant to Quinn London and vice versa approx.
- Will be the approximately 4000
- Emails from our Consultant to Quinn London and vice versa approx.
- Minutes:
- Minutes from Progress meetings x 26
- Minutes from Lessons Learnt meeting x 1
- Minutes:
- Valuations:
- Current App 25no application raised to date.
- Documents:
- RFI’s = 784
- Cen certs -26
- Progress Reports = 26
- Handover packs = 511
- Asbestos Surveys = 445
- Quarterly Social Reporting = 6
- Communication for approval of letters and documents = approx. 50-80
- Newsletters x 4
- Valuations:
- 14,300 documents x 10 minutes = 2383 hours.
To meet this request, we would need to interrogate each document individually, which we believe would take at least 10 minutes per document. We therefore estimate that this exercise would take in excess of 2383 hours to complete for one member of staff.
We estimate that compliance with your request would exceed the appropriate time/costs limit under section 12 of the Freedom of information Act 2000. This is currently 18 hours /£450. Section 12 (1) of the FOIA does not oblige a public authority to comply with a request for information if the authority estimates that the time or cost of complying with the request would exceed the appropriate limit as set out above.
- All documentation between Barnet homes/Barnet Group and Quinn illustrating works carried out under wording that includes within such documents: -refurbishment, renewal, refit, estate regeneration
Refusal Notice
s12 (cost of compliance exceeds appropriate limit)
The data you have requested is substantial and in order to respond to the request we would need to review approximately 14,300 documents and would reasonably estimate it to take in excess of 2383 hours to review.
Emails sent from Barnet Homes to Quinn London:
- Thomas Carroll = 1047
- Paul Jones = 1045
- Paul Rose = 927
- Marian Dowling = 145
- Zoe Richardson = 347
- Paul Barker = 222
- Gavin Bass = 264
- Social Team = 113
- Boost Team = 54
- Comms Team = 27
- Emails received from Quinn London to Barnet Homes
- Will be the approximately same number as above
- Emails received from Quinn London to Barnet Homes
- Emails from our Consultant to Quinn London and vice versa approx.
- Will be the approximately 4000
- Emails from our Consultant to Quinn London and vice versa approx.
- Minutes:
- Minutes from Progress meetings x 26
- Minutes from Lessons Learnt meeting x 1
- Minutes:
- Valuations:
- Current App 25no application raised to date.
- Documents:
- RFI’s = 784
- Cen certs -26
- Progress Reports = 26
- Handover packs = 511
- Asbestos Surveys = 445
- Quarterly Social Reporting = 6
- Communication for approval of letters and documents = approx. 50-80
- Newsletters x 4
- Valuations:
- 14,300 documents x 10 minutes = 2383 hours.
To meet this request, we would need to interrogate each document individually, which we believe would take at least 10 minutes per document. We therefore estimate that this exercise would take in excess of 2383 hours to complete for one member of staff.
We estimate that compliance with your request would exceed the appropriate time/costs limit under section 12 of the Freedom of information Act 2000. This is currently 18 hours /£450. Section 12 (1) of the FOIA does not oblige a public authority to comply with a request for information if the authority estimates that the time or cost of complying with the request would exceed the appropriate limit as set out above.
- Details of any member of staff that has, or does work, for Barnet Homes or Barnet Group that is related in any way to any persons that work or own Quinn London to confirm transparency and eliminate conflict of interest
We can confirm Barnet Homes have no declarations of interest from staff in relation to Quinn London.
Your rights
If you are unhappy with the way your request for information has been handled, you can request a review by emailing and marking it as an appeal for the attention of the Data Controller.
There is no charge for making an appeal.
After this, if you remain dissatisfied with the handling of your request or complaint, you have the right to appeal to the Information Commissioner: telephone: 0303 123 1113 or website:
Kind regards