Dear Residents,

I hope you are all keeping well. I can’t believe how quickly the year has gone by considering how busy the Resident Board has been.

Apart from the four business meetings a year the Board attends with all Heads of Service to review quarterly performance, the members have been involved with various internal consultations including:

  • Accessible Communications Policy
  • Complaints and Compliments Policy
  • Customer Experience Strategy
  • Fire Safety
  • Sustaining Tenancies Strategy
  • Residents Annual Report
  • Leasehold Alterations Policy

The Resident Board members have worked throughout the year with Barnet Homes, constantly striving to streamline and improve the services which matter most to you!

Some of our members are also on sub-groups and I am very proud of the work all the members do and proud to be the Chair of these dedicated people.

We also work closely with the Resident Support Group which is a database of over 100 tenants and leaseholders who also get involved to shape services by joining focus groups, attending ‘Get Together, Get Involved’ virtual meetings that all residents are invited to join, including telephone surveys and mystery shopping.

If you would like to find out more about getting involved or becoming a Resident Board member, why not make a new year’s resolution to contact Deborah Beckford on 020 8359 5307 to have a chat?

Finally, I would like to say thank you to all the individuals and groups that do so much good work throughout the year in our community and I am delighted to say this year’s Community Awards event is being held in person for the first time in two years since the lock down. So please take the time to nominate someone you know who goes the extra mile. Turn to page 20 to find out how to nominate someone.

I wish you all a peaceful winter season and a hopeful 2023.

Best wishes,

Aruna Bhatt, Chair of the Resident Board