This page shows key performance information for the services Barnet Homes provides to residents. Click here to view previous months’ results.
Satisfaction with Barnet Homes as a social housing providerSatisfaction with Barnet Homes
The percentage of residents who are satisfied with the landlord services Barnet Homes provides
Monthly score: 63%
Year to date: 71%
My home is safe and secureMy home is safe and secure
Percentage of Barnet Homes residents who are satisfied that their homes are safe and secure.
Monthly score: 76%
Year to date: 75%
Satisfaction with the repairs serviceSatisfaction with the repairs service
Percentage of residents who are satisfied with the service that Barnet Homes’ Repairs Team have provided in their homes.
Monthly score: 79%
Year to date: 83%
Satisfaction that the repair was completed right the first timeSatisfaction that the repair was completed right the first time
Percentage of residents who were satisfied that the repairs to their home were completed correctly the first time around.
Monthly score: 76%
Year to date: 79%
Barnet Homes are easy to deal withBarnet Homes are easy to deal with
Percentage of residents who feel Barnet Homes are easy to deal with
Monthly score: 62%
Year to date: 65%
% of customer calls answered% of customer calls answered
Percentage of customer calls answered by the Customer Contact Team, Housing Options, Leasehold and Rents services
Monthly score: 81%
Year to date: 87%
% of complaints responded to within ten days% of complaints responded to within ten days
Percentage of complaints responded to within the target period of ten days
Monthly score: 91%
Year to date: 94%
% of emails responded to in 5 days% of emails responded to in 5 days
Percentage of emails responded to within the target period of five days
Monthly score: 86%
Year to date: 82%