Project Overview
The project, titled ‘Reimagining Fosters’, will deliver 217 new residential homes including 75 extra care homes. There will be improvements to the existing estate including enhancements to landscaping, external amenity space and work to improve the appearance of existing blocks. Highways works will be carried out to upgrade vehicular, pedestrian and cycle movements around the estate together with measures to improve the current parking arrangements for residents. The proposals for the estate were shaped with help from residents through an extensive co-design process.
Current Position
Planning approval was achieved in January 2021. Since then Barnet Homes have been developing the detailed design, and working on resolving a number of legal, planning and land ownership matters. Progress of the project has been delayed, primarily due to the Covid-19 pandemic, which brought additional challenges. The project team has also been hard at work to ensure the scheme can be delivered in line with the project budget, in the face of cost pressures in the construction market. Procurement of the main contractor has therefore taken longer than anticipated. In 2022 the long awaited construction phase will commence in earnest.
Contact Details
For more information, please email Philip Goldstone, Senior Project Manager, at Barnet Homes, by email:

CGIs: MOKA and Allies & Morrison