We are pleased to introduce our newly managed in-house Fire Door Inspection Team.

This dedicated team is responsible for ensuring the safety and compliance of our buildings through several key initiatives:

  • Delivery of the Fire Door Inspection Programme: our team will oversee the comprehensive inspection and maintenance of fire doors to ensure they all meet fire safety standards.
  • Quarterly inspections of communal doors: regular assessments will be conducted on communal doors to identify any potential issues or concerns, this will assist the fire door team in maintaining the required levels of safety for our residents.
  • Testing of fire safety equipment: we willalso conduct thorough testing of firesafety equipment within Barnet Homes
    and Opendoor Homes buildings to ensure everything is functioning correctly, this also includes gaining access to external storage cupboards.

When conducting fire door inspections of your front door, the team will require access to your property. If you are not at
home during the inspection, we will perform a partial assessment and leave a “Sorrywe missed you” card. This will allow us to contact you later to arrange a suitable appointment and return for a full survey.

Thank you for your continued support and appreciate your cooperation, as we aim to enhance the safety and well-being of our residents.

Fire Door Inspection Team, left to right: Roger, Delroy, Kay, Oli, Dani, Traian, Jay, Sidney